
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blessed St. Michael and All Angels!

That's "St. Michael liberating souls from purgatory," by Jacopo Vignali, from the 17th Century.   And below is "The Archangel and Tobias," by an unknown painter, also from the 17th Century.  It's presumably St. Raphael, since it's found at St. Raphael's Church in Milan.

Here's last year's post, which includes the music for this feast day.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More Compline online

Jeff Reynolds, a visitor to the blog yesterday, left me a link to the website of another Compline choir - this one in Nevada City, California, and called Trinity Compline Choir.  Jeff is the director of the choir, and a composer and former trombonist with the LA Philharmonic.  The choir is based, I'm understanding, out of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Nevada City (which is in the Sierra Nevada mountains).

The recordings page is here.

And here's an article about the choir.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott

A lovely arrangement!  Not sure about its provenance, but it's wonderful; listen all the way through.

HT Dan.