
Thursday, December 20, 2007

O Oriens

December 20:

O Day-Spring, Brightness of the Light everlasting, and Sun of righteousness: Come and enlighten them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.

From the Blackfriars. Still my best-loved antiphon, I think, and this is still my favorite version, from Boston Camerata. Here's the Musica Sacra mp3, with Magnificat; that's the way these are really sung, so it's good to hear it complete. I'm going to go sing it in person myself.

Here's a pretty interesting article about the Great "O"s, written, obviously, by another enthusiast. More about other, regional and "lesser," "O" antiphons there, including O Mundi Domina.

Here's the English-language chant score:

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