
Friday, April 04, 2008

Lutheran Office Resources

An interesting article (in PDF format) from the Lutheran Liturgical Prayer Brotherhood: Daily Prayer Books in the History of German and American Lutheranism.

It's possible to buy a copy of the Brotherhood Prayer Book here. Here's an image of a page from the Christmastide section of the book:

I like the illustrations! You can read more about the book, and about the reciting of the Office, at the LLPB home page. Here's a paragraph about the book from that page:
The most noticeable change in the second edition of the Brotherhood Prayer Book is the new music. All of the responsories, antiphons for the Magnificat, invitatories, and the Venite now have their proper Gregorian melodies. The new music has increased the content of the book by about 50%. The second edition also is now in a more convenient size, being the same size as a hymnal, and comes with seven ribbons. The second edition has marginal page references to the first edition, so that groups can use both editions together and still avoid confusion. The second edition is also graced by the beautiful liturgical artwork of Mr. Edward Riojas. Introducing sections of the BPB, each of the 26 original drawings combines theology and piety to give the user a fitting focus for prayer. Indices allow the user to find particular Psalm tones, and hymns by their English and Latin names. Finally, a Lutheran book of liturgical hours with all 150 Psalms and Old Testament Canticles in English and pointed with the Reformation Gregorian tones. Add beautiful, ancient hymns and historic responsories to your daily discipline of prayer.


  1. I got my younger brother (an LCMS seminarian) a copy of the text-only edition a little over a year ago. Dunno if he uses it, but I bought myself a copy of it at the same time. It looks pretty good. I wouldn't have used the KJV Psalms — Coverdale is way better.

    I gather that one of the pastors who edited the BPB gives workshops to LCMS parishes on daily prayer and Gregorian chant. My brother took one. I hope it catches on in the Synod!

  2. They are really busy, these LLPB guys! It's great that they've made the music, in particular, available online, I think.

  3. Bravo! I mentioned the BPB in today's post on Vultus Christi:
