
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Full Homely Divinity Alert

Every so often, I put up a post to point people to the wonderful Full Homely Divinity, which calls itself "a website for the Anglican at the Altar and especially for the Anglican in the pew."

And that it is. There is so much to read over there about Anglicanism and its history and approach. This page, in particular, is highly recommended; it contains links to articles such as "The Benedictine Spirit in Anglicanism," "The Monastic Quality of Anglicanism" (a PDF file), and "What is Anglican Theology?."

There is also a music page, here, from which you can access PDFs of "Gradual Psalms for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphanytide of Year B" and Gradual Psalms for Lent and Easter of Year B, for instance. And there's a review of the St. Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter on that page as well, at the bottom. An English translation of the Proclamation of Christmas is there, too, and you can listen to sound files on various pages about the various feasts.

Put Full Homely Divinity in your Bookmarks, and check it out from time to time; they are always updating it with new pages about liturgy and music and devotions and saints and customs and all sorts of things. It's wonderful!

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