
Monday, February 02, 2009

"From the Оctave of the Epiphany until the 1st Sunday in Lent"

I have already posted the Office hymns for Epiphany and its Octave - but imagine my surprise at finding, in Hymn melodies for the whole year from the Sarum Service books, something I'd never noticed before at all: a long section titled, "From the Оctave of the Epiphany until the 1st Sunday in Lent." There are 3 different hymns listed for every day of the week here - 21 different hymns all together.

I have finally begun to create posts for each of the weekdays for this period, and will add links here as they go up.  Meanwhile you can listen to audio files of most of these hymns at The "Weekday Propers Sung," according to the Lutheran Liturgical Prayer Brotherhood; the LLPB use is just about the same as the Sarum (although you won't find Mattins hymns there).  FYI, the LLPB prescribes these hymns for all "ordinary time" periods during the year:  for the short period between Epiphany and Lent, and also for the long period between Pentecost and Advent.

(Follow along with the Offices for this Octave and the weeks following here, at Breviary Offices, from Lauds to Compline Inclusive (Society of St. Margaret, Boston, 1885).   I'll link-in via iFrame at the bottom of this post, too.)
From the Оctave of the Epiphany until the 1st Sunday in Lent:
On Sundays:

Mattins: Primo dierum omnium ... ... ... 15
Lauds: Eterne rerum Conditor ... ... ... 17
Evensong: Lucis Creator optime ... ... ... 19

On Mondays:

Mattins: Somno refeftis artubus... ... ... 15
Lauds: Splendor Paterne glorie... ... ... 17
Evensong: Immense celi Conditor... ... ... 20

On Tuesdays:

Mattins: Consors Paterni luminis... ... ... 15
Lauds: Ales diei nuncius ... ... ... 17
Evensong: Telluris ingens Conditor... ... ... 20

On Wednesdays:

Mattins: Rerum Creator optime... ... ... 15
Lauds: Nox et tenebre et nubila... ... ... 17
Evensong: Celi Deus sanctissime ... ... ... 20

On Thursdays:

Mattins: Nox atra rerum contegit... ... ... 15
Lauds: Lux ecce surgit áurea... ... ... 17
Evensong: Magne Deus potencie... ... ... 20

On Fridays:

Mattins: Tu Trinitatis Unitas... ... ... 15
Lauds: Eterna celi Gloria... ... ... 17
Evensong: Plasmator hominis, Deus... ... ... 20

On Saturdays

Mattins: Summe Deus clemencie ... ... ... 15
Lauds: Aurora iam spargit polum ... ... ... 17
Evensong: Deus, Creator omnium ... ... ... 21

Here are the five chant scores used during this period:

Here's the peek-in to the SSM Breviary:

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