
Friday, December 24, 2010

Westminster Cathedral Choir - A Ceremony of Carols

Here's a short video containing the opening two songs - Hodie Christus natus est and Wolcum Yule - from Britten's 1942 composition:

Here's the entire piece, sung by the Boys of Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford.  Perhaps from the 1980s or so?  Awhile ago, anyway.

1. "Procession" ("Hodie Christus natus est", Gregorian antiphon to the Magnificat at Second Vespers of Christmas)
2. "Wolcum Yole!"
3. "There is no Rose" (Trinity College MS 0.3.58, early 15c)
4a. "That yonge child"
4b. "Balulalow" (The brothers Wedderburn, fl. 1548)
5. "As dew in Aprille" (Sloane 2593, first quarter 15c)
6. "This little Babe" (from Robert Southwell's "Newe Heaven, Newe Warre", 1595)
7. "Interlude" (harp solo)
8. "In Freezing Winter Night" (Southwell)
9. "Spring Carol" (16c., also set by William Cornysh)
10. "Deo Gracias" (Sloane 2593)
11. "Recession" ("Hodie")

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