
Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Introit for the First Sunday in Lent: Invocabit me

Here is the mp3 from JoguesChant for this Introit, and below is their chant score.

JoguesChant gives us this translation of the text, which comes from Psalm 91:
When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will rescue him and honour him; with long life will I satisfy him. He who abides in the shelter of the Most High, shall remain under the protection of the God of Heaven.

Here's a really lovely video version of this, from the Concerto Chiesa di San Bevignate (Perugia), recorded on March 21, 2009:

(I thought I had already posted the Introits for Lent and was starting out on the Communion songs - but then realized I was wrong. I haven't posted Introits for this season yet, so I'll do it for each Sunday in Lent this year. Better late than never.)

All the texts for the Lent 1 propers come, as mentioned in the previous post, from Psalm 91 - something that is quite unusual, as far as I know. I don't know of another day of the year in which all the propers come from a single source; it seems to me this means that the people who put all these propers together think that the First Sunday in Lent is very important, as Sundays go. The Psalm is quoted in the Gospel reading (Matthew's story of Jesus in the wilderness) - but so are other Psalms, all the time. I'm going to try to find out exactly how this happened, and will post whatever I find.

There is more about Psalm 91 in the post linked above.

Here are the propers for for Lent I, from the Brazilian Benedictines:

Hebdomada prima quadragesimæ
Introitus: Ps. 90, 15.16 et 1 Invocabit me (cum Gloria Patri) (4m21.1s - 4083 kb) score
Graduale: Ps. 90, 11-12 Angelis suis (4m03.3s - 3805 kb) score
Tractus: Ps. 90, 1-7 et 11-16 Qui habitat (2m59.0s - 2801 kb) score
Offertorium: Ps. 90, 4-5 Scapulis suis (1m04.4s - 1011 kb) score
Communio: Ps. 90, 4-5 Scapulis suis (4m32.5s - 4261 kb) score

Here are posts on Chantblog about the propers for the First Sunday in Lent:

I've gotten to like this painting of Christ in the desert, by Russian painter Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi, from about 1872. (I don't know of many others that deal with this subject, actually - which is a bit surprising, because it seems like a fertile one.)

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