
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"Jeremy Lin goes to lunch with ESPN editor who was fired over headline"

In The Washington Post today:

When Jeremy Lin said he harbored no ill feelings over a racially insensitive headline about him that appeared on ESPN, he meant it.

Lin recently had lunch with the editor who was fired for writing the headline during the height of Linsanity with the New York Knicks in February. Anthony Federico apologized after the incident and Newsday’s Anthony Rieber reports that the meeting came at the instigation of the Asian-American point guard.

“The fact that he reached out to me,” Federico said. “The fact that he took the time to meet with me in his insanely busy schedule . . . He's just a wonderful, humble person. He didn't have to do that, especially after everything had kind of died down for the most part.”

Lin’s reaction at the time was low-key; he said there was no intent to offend. In addition to firing Federico, ESPN suspended anchor Max Bretos for 30 days for using the same expression. The matter wasn’t much of a topic at lunch.

“We talked more about matters of faith [and] reconciliation,” Federico said. “We talked about our shared Christian values and what we're both trying do with this situation .. . We didn't talk about the headline for more than three minutes.”

Representatives for the Knicks and Lin declined to comment on the lunch, which, in spite of Twitter and cellphones, remains private.

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