
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Znamenny Chant: The Lord's Prayer

ZNAMENNY CHANT, St. Petersburg, Russia (clip) - YouTube. This is apparently a composed version, by Nikolay Kedrov, and is very well known and loved. It's beautiful.

Отче наш, Иже еси на небесех!
Да святится имя Твое,
да приидет Царствие Твое,
да будет воля Твоя,
яко на небеси и на земли.
Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь;
и остави нам долги наша,
якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим;
и не введи нас во искушение,
но избави нас от лукаваго.

Otche nash, susthiy na nebesah,
Da svyatitca imya tvoye,
Da priidet tsarstvye tvoye,
Da budet volya tvoya
I na zemle kak na nebe.
Hleb nash nasusthnyiy dai nam na sey den,
I prosti nam dolgi nashi,
Kak i myi prosthae dolnikam nashim,
I ne vvedi nas v iskushenye,
No izbav nas ot lukavogo. Amin.

Ot-che nash,
Ee-zhe ye see na nye-bye-sekh!
da svya-tee-tsya ee-mya Tvo-ye, da pri-ee-dyet Tsar-stvi-ye Tvo-ye:
da boo-dyet vol-ya Tvo-ya, ya-ko na nye-bye-see ee na zem-lee.
Khleb nash na-soosch-nui dazhd nam dnyes:
ee o-sta-vee nam dol-gee na-shya, ya-ko-zhe ee mui o-sta-vlya-yem dol-zhnee-kom na-shuim:
ee nye vvye-dee nas vo ees-koo-shye-ni-ye,
no eez-ba-vee nas ot loo-ka-va-go.

From the YouTube page:

Znamenny chant (Russian: Знаменное пение, знаменный распев).

As I was locally informed, no musical instruments accompanied chants in orthodox churches, because the human voice, one of the greatest achievements of God, cannot be polluted by man made musical instruments. The clip was taken (September 8, 2010) in St Peter and St Paul orthodox Cathedral (St Petersburg, Russian Federation), where the mortal remains of Tsar Nicholas II and family were laid to rest since July 17, 1998. The cathedral is located inside the fortress with the same name. For further information about Znamenny chant, see

Here I do acknowledge @WeenisLad for the following amendment: formerly, I supposed that the chant was Gregorian; however, it is Znamenny. Many thanks.
According to a viewer (@frostymama), this version is by Kedrov - "We sing an english translation of this nearly every week at Church. It is my favorite arrangement of the Our Father."

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