
Monday, January 13, 2014

The Tuesday Office hymns, "from the Оctave of the Epiphany until the 1st Sunday in Lent"

From Hymn melodies for the whole year from the Sarum Service books, for Tuesdays in Epiphanytide the hymns are as follows:
From the Оctave of the Epiphany until the 1st Sunday in Lent - On Tuesdays:
Mattins: Consors Paterni luminis... ... ... 15
: Ales diei nuncius ... ... ... 17
Evensong: Telluris ingens Conditor... ... ... 20

There are in total 21 hymns for this season:  3 different hymns per day, for each day of the week.  Each day's hymns for this period, including texts and audio files, are available at the following links:

The Tuesday hymn for Mattins during this period is Consors Paterni luminis; Hymn melodies prescribes it to be sung to melody #15:
The Liber Hymnarius has a version of this in Latin, sung to melody #15; click the arrow to listen to the mp3:
Consors paterni luminis (saec. VI-VII)
Melody: d e f g eg f e f
Download H.IV, p. 196

TPL says this about the hymn:
Attributed to St. Ambrose (340-397), this hymn is traditionally used at Tuesday Matins. Today it is used for the Office of the Readings on Tuesdays of the first and third weeks of the Psalter of Ordinary Time. 
Here are the words in Latin and English; the translation is by Joseph William Chadwick (1841-1882) and John David Chambers (1805-1893):
CONSORS paterni luminis,
lux ipse lucis et dies,
noctem canendo rumpimus:
assiste postulantibus.
O LIGHT of light, O Dayspring bright,
coequal in Thy Father's light:
assist us, as with prayer and psalm
Thy servants break the nightly calm.
Aufer tenebras mentium,
fuga catervas daemonum,
expelle somnolentiam
ne pigritantes obruat.
All darkness from our minds dispel,
and turn to flight the hosts of Hell:
bid sleepfulness our eyelids fly,
lest overwhelmed in sloth we lie.
Sic, Christe, nobis omnibus
indulgeas credentibus,
ut prosit exorantibus
quod praecinentes psallimus.
Jesu, Thy pardon, kind and free,
bestow on us who trust in Thee:
and us Thy praises we declare,
O with acceptance hear our prayer.
Sit, Christe, rex piissime,
tibi Patrique gloria
cum Spiritu Paraclito
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.
O Father, that we ask be done,
through Jesus Christ, Thine only Son,
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
doth live and reign eternally.

At Tuesday Lauds during this period, the prescribed hymn is Ales diei nuncius, sung, according to Hymn melodies,  to melody #17:

LLPB offers this mp3 (in English) of Ales diei nuncius sung to melody #17; they call it "The winged herald of the day."

Here's TPL on this hymn:
Written by Prudentius (348-413) who was born in Saragossa, Spain, of a wealthy family. After a brilliant public career, he retired from public life to lead a life of asceticism and devotion to God. It was then that he composed his poems which have earned him the reputation of being one of the first great Christian poets of the Latin West. This hymn is taken from his Hymnus ad Galli cantum (Hymn at Cockcrow), the first of the twelve hymns composing Prudentius' Cathemerinon, or Hymns for the Day. The Hymn at Cockcrow contains twenty-five verses and the hymn below is made up of verses 1,2, 6, 21, and 25. Ales diei nuntius is a traditional morning hymn for Tuesday Lauds and can be found in the Roman Breviary minus the third verse below. In the Liturgia Horarum it is used for the Thursday Office of the Readings for the second of fourth weeks of the Psalter during Ordinary Time. 
Here are the words in Latin and English; the translation is by J. M. Neale (1818-1866):
ALES diei nuntius
lucem propinquam praecinit:
nos excitator mentium
iam Christus ad vitam vocat.
THE WINGED herald of the day
proclaims the morn's approaching ray,
and Christ the Lord our soul excites,
and so to endless life invites.
<<Auferte, clamat, lectulos,
aegros, soporos, desides;
castique, recti ac sobrii
vigilate; iam sum proximus.>>
"Take up thy bed," to each He cries,
"who sick, or wrapped in slumber lies:
and chaste, and just, and sober stand
and watch; my coming is at hand."
Ut, cum coruscis flatibus
aurora caelum sparserit,
omnes labore exercitos
confirmet ad spem luminis.
Iesum ciamus vocibus
flentes, precantes, sobrii;
intenta supplicatio
dormire cor mundum vetat.
With earnest cry, with tearful care,
call we the Lord to hear our prayer:
while supplication, pure and deep,
forbids each chastened heart to sleep.
Tu, Christe, somnum disice,
tu rumpe noctis vincula,
tu solve peccatum vetus
novumque lumen ingere.
Do Thou, O Christ, our slumbers wake:
do Thou the chains of darkness break:
purge Thou our former sins away,
and in our souls new light display.
Sit, Christe, rex piissime,
tibi Patrique gloria
cum Spiritu Paraclito,
in sempiterna saecula. Amen.
All laud to God the Father be;
all praise, eternal Son, to Thee;
all glory as is ever meet,
to God the Holy Paraclete. Amen.

At Tuesday Vespers, the hymn prescribed by Hymn melodies during this period is Telluris ingens Conditor, sung to melody #20:

LLPB offers this mp3 (in English) of Telluris ingens Conditor sung to this tune; they call it  "Earth's Mighty Maker."

One really interesting thing about the daily Vespers hymns is that they recapitulate the 7 days of Creation!  For instance,  TPL says this about Telluris ingens Conditor:
Attributed to Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604). This hymn continues the theme found in Monday's Vesper Hymn, Immense caeli Conditor , namely the story of Creation as outlined in the first chapter of Genesis. Continuing on with the third day, the hymn chronicles the separation of the land from the water and the creation of every species of plant (Gen 1, 9-13.) This hymn is traditionally sung at Tuesday Vespers and is used in the Liturgia Horarum at Vespers for Tuesdays of the first and third weeks of the Psalter during Ordinary Time. Likewise the hymn is also found in the Roman Breviary for Tuesday Vespers under the title Telluris alme Conditor. 
Here are the words in Latin and English; the translation is anonymous:
TELLURIS ingens1 Conditor,
mundi solum qui eruens2,
pulsis aquae molestiis,
terram dedisti immobilem,
EARTH'S mighty Maker, whose command
raised from the sea the solid land;
and drove each billowy heap away,
and bade the earth stand firm for aye:
Ut germen aptum proferens,
fulvis decora floribus,
fecunda fructu sisteret
pastumque gratum redderet:
That so, with flowers of golden hue,
the seeds of each it might renew;
and fruit-trees bearing fruit might yield,
and pleasant pasture of the field:
Mentis perustae vulnera
munda virore gratiae,
ut facta fletu diluat,
motusque pravos atterat,
Our spirit's rankling wounds efface
with dewy freshness of Thy grace:
that grief may cleanse each deed of ill,
and o'er each lust may triumph still.
Iussis tuis obtemperet,
nullis malis approximet,
bonis repleri gaudeat,
et mortis actum3 nesciat.
Let every soul Thy law obey,
and keep from every evil way;
rejoice each promised good to win,
and flee from every mortal sin.
Praesta, Pater piissime,
Patrique compar Unice,
cum Spiritu Paraclito
regnans per omne saeculum. Amen.
Hear Thou our prayer, Almighty King!
hear Thou our praises, while we sing,
adoring with the heavenly host,
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

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