
Friday, April 04, 2014

The Lent 5 Communion Song: Videns Dominus ("When the Lord saw")

In year A, the song at Communion for the Fifth Sunday in Lent is Videns Dominus.  Here's a nice, briskly-paced version of it (only 52 seconds long!):

This text is from the portion of John's Gospel read on the day:  the raising of Lazarus.  Here's a translation from CCWatershed, and their chant score is below:
When the Lord saw the sisters of Lazarus in tears near the tomb, he wept in the presence of the Jews and cried:  "Lazarus, come forth."  And out he came, hands and feet bound, the man who had been dead for four days.

Here's the Simple English Propers Communion chant, which includes a verse from Psalm 130:

This is another of those cases when the Communion song varies by year (see below), but all the other chants are the same between the Ordinary and Extraordinary forms.

This adjustment to the Communio could be because in the old form, today was called "Passion Sunday," and the Communion Song was Hoc Corpus.  Here's a video of that one, from the Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest:

CCWatershed's translation is this:
This is my body which shall be delivered for you:  this is the chalice of the new Testament in my blood, saith the Lord:  do this as often as you receive it, in commemoration of me.

More about the old "Passion Sunday" designation for Lent 5:
Until 1959, the fifth Sunday of Lent was known as Passion Sunday.[7] It marked the beginning of a two-week-long period known as Passiontide, which is still observed by various denominations in Protestantism and by some traditionalist Catholics. In 1960, Pope John XXIII's Code of Rubrics changed the name for that Sunday to "First Sunday of the Passion"[8] bringing the name into harmony with the name that Pope Pius XII gave, five years earlier, to the sixth Sunday of Lent, "Second Sunday of the Passion or Palm Sunday".

Pope Paul VI's revision in 1969 removed a distinction that existed (although with overlap) between Lent and Passiontide, which began with the fifth Sunday of Lent. The distinction, explicit in the 1960 Code of Rubrics,[9] predates it.[10] He removed from the fifth Sunday of Lent the reference to the Passion.

Although Passiontide as a distinct liturgical season was thus abolished, the Roman Rite liturgy continues to bring the Passion of Christ to mind, from Monday of the fifth week of Lent onward, through the choice of hymns, the use on the weekdays of the fifth week of Lent of Preface I of the Passion of the Lord, with Preface II of the Passion of the Lord being used on the first three weekdays of Holy Week, and the authorization of the practice of covering crosses and images from the fifth Sunday of Lent onward, if the Conference of Bishops so decides. Where this practice is followed, crucifixes remain covered until the end of the Good Friday celebration of the Lord's Passion; statues remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil.[11]

It seems that with that change, Hoc corpus was, perhaps, felt to be not as relevant to the day, and was dropped in favor of the three varying Communio chants.  And Hoc corpus is now the Communion Song for the Maundy Thursday mass, and is also sung on Good Friday. provides the full complement of propers for today, here sung by the Sao Paulo Benedictines;  note that the Communio again depends on the Gospel for the day.
Hebdomada quinta quadragesimæ  Dominica
Introitus: Ps. 42, 1.2.3 Iudica me, Deus (3m09.1s - 1293 kb) chant score
Graduale: Ps. 142, 9.10. V. Ps. 17, 48.49 Eripe me, Domine (3m49.9s - 1572 kb) chant score
Tractus: Ps. 128, 1-4 Sæpe expugnaverunt (1m50.9s - 759 kb) chant score
Offertorium: Ps. 118, Confitebor tibi, Domine (1m41.8s - 697 kb) chant score
                 quando legitur Evangelium de Lazaro:
                 Io. 11, Videns Dominus (3m43.2s - 1526 kb)

                 quando legitur Evangelium de muliere adultera:
                 Io. 8, 10.11 Nemo te condemnavit (2m35.9s - 1213 kb)

                 quando legitur aliud Evangelium:
                 Io. 12, 26 Qui mihi ministrat(49.0s - 382 kb)

Here are posts on Chantblog about the other propers:

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