
Friday, November 09, 2007

An Office Hymn (no tunes) Compendium, Part III (with thanks to Wiki-pedia - Największa internetowa encyklopedia.)

[EDIT:   This article is from 2007, and was part of my first foray into posting about music for the Offices.  But I've posted quite a bit about Office hymns and other music since then.  You can find posts about the Offices themselves at the Divine Office page, or on the Resources page (where there are many links to other chant hymnody resources).]

You knew it had to happen, didn't you? From Polish Wikipedia comes the Brevier-Himnoj, at El Vikipedio.

Which is, of course, the listing of all the hymns of the church year for Lauds, Noonday Prayer, and Vespers - in Esperanto.

Hymns are separated into categories, by liturgical season. There are hymns listed for: Ordinara tempo; Festoj en la ordinara tempo; Advento; Kristnaska tempo; Karesmo; and Paska tempo.

There are also the usual feasts and various occasions: Komunaj tekstoj; Propraj tekstoj laŭ la kalendaro; etc.

For instance, for the coming season of Advento, the following hymns are prescribed:

ĝis la 16-a de decembro

  • Vespera laŭdo: Conditor alme siderum [81]

  • Horo de la legaĵoj: Verbum supernum prodiens [82]

  • Matena laŭdo: Vox clara ecce intonat [83]

  • Meza horo

    • antaŭtagmeze: Nunc, Sancte, nobis, Spiritus [84]

    • tagmeze: Rector potens, verax Deus [85]

    • posttagmeze: Rerum, Deus, tenax vigor [86]

post la 16-a de decembro

  • Vespera laŭdo: Verbum salutis omnium [87]

  • Horo de la legaĵoj: Veni, redemptor gentium [88]

  • Matena laŭdo: Magnis prophetæ vocibus [89]

  • Meza horo

    • antaŭtagmeze: Certum tenentes ordinem [90]

    • tagmeze: Dicamus laudes Domino [91]

    • posttagmeze: Ternis horarum terminis [92]

Clicking the note numbers will take you to a page that gives the words to the hymns in both Latin and Esperanto. No music, unfortunately, but the complete listing is there, categorized and noted. Of course.

Click here for An Office Hymn Tune Compendium, Part IV (with mp3s).

Click here to go back to An Office Hymn Tune Compendium, Part II (with mp3s).


  1. Nice to see, as a chant fan and Esperanto speaker! I hope to acquire a copy of the Adoru ecumenical liturgical book sometime.

  2. Hi Johano -

    Sorry for the delay in responding - busyness for me lately.

    Thanks for commenting! You don't see that combination - chant fan and Esperanto speaker, I mean - too often (although whoever compiled the Wiki page has that in common with you, obviously!).

    I hadn't heard of the Adoru book, but texts in Esperanto would be the ultimate in ecumenism, wouldn't they? ;-)

    Thanks again for coming by!
