
Friday, February 22, 2008

Lauds, Mattins, and Vespers Hymns, Lent 3 - Lent 4

From Hymn melodies for the whole year from the Sarum service-books:
On the 2nd Sunday in Lent, & daily (when the Service is of the Season) until Passion Sunday :-
Evensong:   Ecce tempus idoneum ... ... ... 33
MattinsClarum decus ieiunii ... ... ... 31
Lauds: Jesu, quadragenarie ... ... ... 44 or 74

This period of Lent is known as Oculi; that's the first word of the Latin Introit for Lent 3 - in English, "Mine eyes."   (If you'd like to listen to the Introits for which the Sundays of Lent are named (Invocavit, Oculi, Judica, etc.), you can do it here, at, from St. Benedict's Monastery in São Paulo (Brazil).)

Follow along with the Offices for this period at Breviary Offices, from Lauds to Compline Inclusive (Society of St. Margaret, Boston) (published in 1885). You'll find  all the Psalms, the collect, Chapter, antiphons, etc. at that link, although no music is provided; also check the iFrame look-in at the bottom of this post.

Here's the chant score for the Evensong hymn,  Ecce tempus idoneum:

Here's an mp3 of Ecce tempus idoneum ("Now is the healing time decreed"), sung to melody #33, from the Lutheran Liturgical Prayer Brotherhood's "Seasonal Propers Sung" page.

Oremus Hymnal has this one; they list it as "Latin, before the twelfth century," with English translation by Thomas Alexander Lacey, 1906:
Now is the healing time decreed
for sins of heart, of word or deed,
when we in humble fear record
the wrong that we have done the Lord;

Who, alway merciful and good,
has borne so long our wayward mood,
nor cut us off unsparingly
in our so great iniquity.

Therefore with fasting and with prayer,
our secret sorrow we declare;
with all good striving seek his face,
and lowly-hearted plead for grace.

Cleanse us, O Lord, from every stain,
help us the meed of praise to gain,
till with the angels linked in love
joyful we tread thy courts above.

Father and Son and Spirit blest,
to thee be every prayer addressed,
who art in threefold Name adored,
from age to age, the only Lord.

Another translation of the hymn is "Lo, now is our accepted day," translation by J.M. Neale, and is at Cyberhymnal here

The chant score I have matches the tune sung by the LLPB, given above, but the words are different.

Here's melody #31, used for Clarum decus ieiunii at Matins:

LLPB, though, uses Clarum decus ieiunii for Lauds - and you can, too; here's the mp3 of the English translation, "The Glory of These Forty Days," sung to melody #31.   Cyberhymnal says these words are from the English Hymnal 1906:

The glory of these forty days
We celebrate with songs of praise;
For Christ, by Whom all things were made,
Himself has fasted and has prayed.

Alone and fasting Moses saw
The loving God Who gave the law;
And to Elijah, fasting, came
The steeds and chariots of flame.

So Daniel trained his mystic sight,
Delivered from the lions’ might;
And John, the Bridegroom’s friend, became
The herald of Messiah’s Name.

Then grant us, Lord, like them to be
Full oft in fast and prayer with Thee;
Our spirits strengthen with Thy grace,
And give us joy to see Thy face.

O Father, Son, and Spirit blest,
To thee be every prayer addressed,
Who art in threefold Name adored,
From age to age, the only Lord.

Another version is called "Good it is to keep the fast," and uses a different set of lyrics, though they which contain much the same themes.    (John Stainer wrote music for this one, and the Latin-English translation was by Hen­ry W. Bak­er, 1875.  At that link the hymn is attributed to Gregory I; just for informational purposes, here's a Cyberhymnal page listing all its hymns attributed to Gregory I.)

Interestingly, TPL does not have listings at all for any of these Lent hymns!  That tells me they were all very likely a local, English, use.

The chant score below, from my sources, matches neither the tune nor the lyrics for any of the hymns above. 

The Sarum hymn assigned for Lauds, Jesu, quadragenarie is sung to the same tune used at Transfiguration Mattins for O Sator rerum  - and for O Pater sancte, sung at the Lauds Trinity Office.   If you decide not to use Clarum decus ieiunii at Lauds, you can sing this one instead.  Not as nice a tune, though!  Here's the chant score:

This an mp3 of O Pater sancte, sung to Melody #44.   There is a bit of a problem, though, since melody #44  is in the 11-11-11-5, "Sapphic and Adonic," meter - and the words from the Hymner are not:

Jesu, the Law and Pattern, whence
Our forty days of abstinence;
Who souls to save, that else had died,
This sacred fast hast ratified:

That so to Paradise once more,
Might abstinence preserv'd restore
Them that had lost its fields of light,
Through crafty wiles of appetite.

Be present now, be present here,
And mark thy Church's falling tear:
And own the grief that fills her eyes
In mourning her iniquities.

O by thy grace be pardon won
For sins that former years have done:
And let thy mercy guard us still
From crimes that threaten future ill.

That by the fast we offer here,
Our annual sacrifice sincere,
To Paschal gladness at the end,
Set free from guilt, our souls may tend.

May this, O Father, through the Son,
For thy blest Spirit's sake be done:
Adored through all eternity,
In Nature One, in Person Three. Amen. 

If there is an 11-11-11-5 version of this hymn out there, I don't know about it.  I'd say this is another good reason to use Clarum decus ieiunii at Lauds instead!   

The alternate melody, #74, is from the York hymnal.  It does not, however, appear to be in the same 11-11-11-5, the "Sapphic and Adonic" meter, and would fit the words above.  I don't have a recording of this one, though.

Here are links to all three "Lent Office" posts on Chantblog:

Here's the peek-in to the SSM Breviary for the period beginning with Lent 3:

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