
Monday, January 05, 2009

And all the words to the troped lesson, too

So as not to further confuse the previous post (which was already quite Byzantine enough), I here print all the words to the "troped lesson" from that post (here again is the mp3), in Latin and then English:
Troped Lesson

Laudes Deo dicam per saecula, qui me plasmavit in manu dextera atque redemit cruce purpurea sanguine nati.

Lectio Isaie prophetae,

In qua Christi lucida vatinicatur nativitas.

Haec dicit Dominus:

Pater, Filius Sanctus Spritus in quo sunt omnia condita, superna atque yma.

Populus gentiu qui ambulant in tenebris

Quem creasti; quem fraude sub dola hostis expulit Paradiso et captivatum secum traxit ad tatara

Vidit lucem magnam:

Fulserunt et immania nocte media pastoribus lumina.

Habitantibus in regione umbrae mortis, lux

Sempiterna et redemptis vera nostra

Orta est eis

O Stupenda nativitas;

Parvulus enim natus est nobis,

Magnus hic erit Iesus, Filius Dei

Et Filius

Patris summi

Datus est nobis

Ab arce summa praeictum sic erat.

Et factus est principatus super humerum eius,

Ut caelos regat atque arva

Et vocabitur nomen eius

Messias, Sother, Emmanuel, Sabaoth, AdonaÎ .


Radix David


Dei Patris


Qui creavit omnia,


Batatri claustra perimens deterrima

Pater futuri saeculi

Rex omnipotens et cuncta regens,

Princeps pacis

Hic et in aevum.

Multiplicabitur eius imperium

In Ierusalem, Iudaea sive Samaria

Et pacis non erit finis

Per saecula sempiterna

Super solium David et super regnum eius sedebit

Et regni meta sui non erit aliqua;

Et confirmet illud,

In fidei pignore

Et corroboret in iudicio et iustitia

Iudex cum venerit iudicare saecula

A modo

Illi debetur gloria, laus, et iubilatio

Et usque in sempiterna.

Ab ortu solis usque ad occiua, ad fines mundi orbis per climata luas creatori resonet congrua.

Amen dicant omnia.

I will sing praises to God, who formed me in his right hand, and has redeemed me by the cross and crimson blood of his Son.

A reading from the prophet Isiah

In which is clearly foretold the glorious nativity of Christ.

Thus saith the Lord:

Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in whom were all things established, above and below.

The people that walked in darkness

Whom you created; whom the enemy drove out of paradise by a cunning

trick, and drew captive with him down to hell.

Hath seen a great light:

And on the shepherds in deepest night has shone a bright light.

On them who live in the land of the shadow of death, light

Everlasting, and our true redemption

Has risen.

O wondrous birth;

For unto us a child is born.

He will be the great Jesus, Son of God

And a Son

Of the Father on high

Is given for us

From on high was it foretold.

And the power as been laid upon his shoulder,

That he might rule the heavens and the earth

And his name shall be called

Messiah, Saviour, Emmanuael, Lord of Hosts, AdonaÎ .


Scion of David


of God the Father.


Who created all things,

The mighty,

Who burst the gates of deeepest hell,

The everlasting Father

Almighty King and ruler of all

The Prince of peace.

Now and for ever

His Kingdom shall increase

In Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria,

And there will be no end to peace

For eternal ages.

He will sit upon the Throne of David, and rule his Kingdom.

And his reign shall have no end;

And he shall establish his reign

Upon a covenant of faith

And will strengthen it with wisdom and justice

When He comes to judge the world.

From this time

To Him be given glory, praise and thanksgiving

And to eternity.

From east to west, to the ends of the earth, and through every part of the world let the Creator's worthy praise resound.

Let all the people say Amen.

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