
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Missa pro Defunctis: Requiem aeternam (Introitus) and Kyrie Eleison

Here is another version of the the Introit of the Gregorian Requiem Mass, followed by the Kyrie:

He's a good singer, and a really dedicated musician, it seems; he's put up the whole Mass for the Dead, among quite a number of other video files.

The chant score for the Introit is in the previous post; here's the score for the Kyrie:

And here's the most beautiful piece of music ever written, I'd say - the Introit and Kyrie from Maurice Durufle's Requiem; it's based on the Gregorian Kyrie from the Mass for the Dead:

Here are links to posts on this blog, for all the movements of the Requiem mass:

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