
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Father, in whom thy saints are one...."

Don't miss this lovely Evensong, sung earlier today, October 28, at All Saints Church, Margaret Street, London.

Responses: Plainsong
Psalms: 148, 150 (Plainsong)
First Lesson: Isaiah 65 vv17-25
Office Hymn: Father, in whom thy saints are one (Veni redemptor)
Canticles: Walmisley in D
Second Lesson: Hebrews 11 v32 - 12 v2
Anthem: Timete Dominum (Byrd)
Hymn: Hark, the sound of holy voices (Deerhurst)
O salutaris hostia (French chant)
Te Deum (Solemn Tone)
Tantum ergo (de Severac)
Organ Voluntary: Fantaisie sur le Te Deum et Guirlandes Alleluiatiques (L'Orgue Mystique) (Tournemire)

Organist: Henry Parkes
Director of Music: Paul Brough.

Wonderful voices! And some gorgeous chant - especially that Office Hymn....

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