
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Laetentur Coeli!

That's the Offertory for Divine Service at Christmas Midnight - but I really just wanted to post Saint-Saëns' Tollite Hostias from his Christmas Oratorio, which uses the same text. This version is sweetly sung by Bavarian schoolchildren at their 2008 Christmas concert - and led by an enthusiastic conductor. Perfect.

I can't resist it, sorry. Here are the words (and maybe later I'll post the Gregorian chant, but right now I have to go sing the midnight service myself....

Tollite hostias,
et adorate Dominum
in atrio sancto eius.
Laetentur coeli,
et exultet terra
a facie Domini,
quoniam venit.

Bring offerings,
and adore the Lord
in his holy place.
Rejoice, heaven,
and exult, all the earth,
before the Lord,
for he comes.

Rejoice, heaven! A blessed Feast of the Nativity to all. See The Christmas Office here.

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