
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Performance Today Highlights Early Music Performances | Classical 101 - WOSU Public Media

Performance Today Highlights Early Music Performances | Classical 101 - WOSU Public Media

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Early Music America (EMA), and to celebrate, American Public Media’s Performance Today will be broadcasting a number of performances from selected EMA member concerts this week (June 13-17).

The performances are drawn from over 100 concerts in 25 states over the past season in an effort by EMA members to raise awareness of “the widespread and vibrant activity in early music in North America.”

Full schedule and "Listen online" at the link. Anonymous 4 today during the 6-7 p.m. slot, singing "Las Huelgas Codex: Benedicamus domino." Tomorrow: Monteverdi's "Vespers of 1610," "Magnificat to the end," it says.

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