
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Passion Reading Chanted by the Trinity Choir

Here's that Palm Sunday sung Passion again; Trinity Wall Street has extracted it from the full Palm Sunday video to show it by itself.

The blurb says:

On Palm Sunday, the traditional scripture text from the Gospel of Mark was chanted in an improvisational style by members of the Trinity Choir, with participation by the congregation in a sung refrain.

It's really quite beautiful, isn't it? It might make a really good new version of a sung Passion - although it would have to be nailed down a bit (rather, that is, than "chanted in an improvisational style by members of the Trinity Choir") so that the congregation could get to know the melodies and sing them, either in the service, or on our own time (as happens now, once you get to know the Passion tones!).

This is one place where the Revised Common Lectionary has improved the situation, I think! Prior to this year, I don't think I've ever heard the Passion start out where it does here, at the anointing of Jesus at Bethany, by the woman "with an alabaster jar of very costly ointment of nard."


  1. Is there any way we can get this video downloadable, e.g. via YouTube?

  2. Not that I know of; maybe writing Trinity and asking them would help....
