
Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Alamire records the Trinity Carol Roll

See the scrolling text in the video for more.

Here's Alamire's website, on which they offer a page of video samples.

HT Sed Angli; they've just posted a couple of Alamire's videos. Here's part of John Taverner's beautiful Dum transisset sabbatum:

Dum transisset Sabbatum Maria Magdalene et Maria Jacobi et Salome emerunt aromata, ut venientes ungerent Jesum, alleluia. Et valde mane una sabbatorum veniunt ad monumentum orto jam sole. Gloria Patri...

And when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene and Mary [the mother of] James, and Salome brought spices, that coming they might anoint Jesus, alleluya. And very early the first of the Sabbath, they came to the monument, the sun being now risen. Glory be to the Father...

I hadn't known of this U.K. group till now; they're great!

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