
Monday, January 20, 2014

"Electronic Anglican Breviary Project on Kickstarter"

For those interested in such things, Derek has launched his new Electronic Anglican Breviary Project on Kickstarter.  I (obviously!) love the fact that so much is happening online these days; there's so much available to us all today that we might never even have known about in earlier eras.  And, Derek's the creator of the St. Bede's Breviary, so he's got some serious chops in this area.

Here's an excerpt from his post, with a link to the Kickstarter page if you'd care to support this effort.
Today I have officially launched a Kickstarter project to convert the Anglican Breviary to digital form and to make it available as a completely free web application.

For those not familiar with it, the Anglican Breviary is one of the great liturgical works that has come out of the Catholic movement in Anglicanism. 30 years in the making, it was produced in the year 1955 by the Frank Gavin Liturgical Foundation. Like all breviaries, it contains the traditional hours of prayers of the Western Church: the long early morning Matins office with its readings from the Church Fathers interspersed with psalms; the main offices for the hinges of the day, Lauds and Vespers; the daytime offices of Prime, Terce, Sext, None; the bedtime office of Compline; and the brief Capitular office that includes the martyrology recounting the saints to be remembered. Built on the structure of the Roman Catholic Divine Office according to the usage established by Pius X, it utilizes the Scriptures of the King James Bible and the Coverdale Psalms of the Book of Common Prayer to place these prayer hours within an Anglican idiom.

For more information on the Anglican Breviary itself, visit its home site at, owned and operated by Mr. Daniel Lula, the man responsible for keeping it in print. We have corresponded regarding this initiative, and I have his blessing to proceed.

More at the link.

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