
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Sarum Compline from Low Sunday to the Vigil of the Ascension has posted English Compline for several seasons:
We are pleased to host on this site beautifully prepared editions of the Sarum Office of Compline in contemporary English.  Thanks go to Emil Salim for assembling these booklets, which cover the following seasons:
   Compline 1: Advent.
   Compline 5: The Octave of Epiphany.
   Compline 6: Ordinary Time.
   Compline 7: The Third Sunday of Lent.
   Compline 9: Ferias in Passion Week.
   Compline 14: From Low Sunday to the Vigil of the Ascension.
Here's a PDF file of "Compline from Low Sunday to the Vigil of the Ascension."   (Linked from the "Annex" page.)  The painting on the cover is Mazzolino's "The Incredulity of St. Thomas," from around 1522.

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