
Saturday, April 06, 2013

The Office of Compline for March 31, 2013

Here's an mp3 of a really lovely Easter service of Compline, sung last Sunday evening by  the Compline Choir of St. Mark's Cathedral
Sunday of the Resurrection
Easter Day

Conductor: Jason Anderson
Reader: Jeremy Matheis Cantor: Kenneth Peterson
PROCESSIONAL: Easter Canticle (Peter Hallock [b. 1924])

PSALM: 114 (plainsong, Tonus peregrinus)

HYMN: “Come ye faithful, raise the strain” (tune: Gaudeamus pariter, melody from Johann Horn [1490 - 1547] - Gesangbuch, [1544])

NUNC DIMITTIS: (setting by William Byrd [ca. 1539/40 - 1623], Tonus peregrinus)

ANTHEM: “Haec est dies” (Jakob (Handl) Gallus [1550 - 1591])

Here's Duccio's "Road to Emmaus," from about 1310:

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