Theologian Vigen Guroian experiences Easter as "a call to our senses." We'll explore his Eastern Orthodox sensibility that is at once more mystical and more earthy than the Christianity dominant in Western culture. And at this time of year and beyond, Guroian does real theology in his garden as richly as in church.
Also, "program particulars (including images and music)," a page of links, plus all the music in a small popup flash player, linked from the front page - here, but this link may not work properly from off-site. (If it doesn't, it's on the main page in a small box on the left that says:
Hear the Music
» SOF Playlist ¦ hear full-length tracks of each song played in the program
And, check this out: a link from the episode site to a page on a website called "Icons Explained." Oh, how beautiful! It's St. Seraphim Orthodox Cathedral in Dallas. Hope they won't mind me showing you the image; click the link above to go to the page and see it with its interactive features working. You can click various parts of the iconostasis and see close-ups of the icons featured there.

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